Reptile Feeding Chart

A guide to feeding your Pythons

Over the last 30yrs of caring for my own Python collection and breeding many Pythons. I have trialed many different feeding regimes. Here I share my knowledge and what works best for my personal collection and what I teach my customers when they purchase Pythons from me.   found the following works best for me.  This mainly for Anatersia Family of Pythons, but also work on other pythons.

Python Feeding Chart

    1. Hatchie to 16 grams- Pinkie Mouse
    2. Start with the smaller item. 17g to 30g Fuzzy mouse or Pinkie rat. Every 3-5 days
    3. Start with the smaller item 31g to 55g Pinkie rat, Hopper mouse or 1day old quail. Every 3-5 days
    4. Start with the smaller item 56g to 85g Weaner mouse, Fuzzy rat or 2 x 1day old quail. Every 4-7 days
    5. Start with the smaller item 86g to 120g Adult mouse, Fuzzy rat or 3day old quail. Every 4-7 days
    6. Start with the smaller item 121g to 180g Adult mouse, Hopper rat or 2 x 3day old quail. Every 7-10 days
    7. Start with the smaller item 181g to 220g XL Adult mouse, hopper rat or 3 x 3day old quail. Every 7-10 days
    8. Start with the smaller item 221g to 300g 2 x XL Adult mouse, Small rat or 1 Week old quail. 14 days
    9. Over 300g you can go bigger or feed multiple items.
    10. Thaw the food items in cold water around 25Deg or leave on bench, cover so flies are unable to get to food items. once thawed place in warm water 35-45 deg for a few minutes to heat up. Do NOT overheat and cook the food items. Do not dry the food items, feed the items wet. We have found this helps with dehydration and shedding. 
    11. It best to feed any Pythons at night. As they are Nocturnal animals. 
    12. Do not handle your python for 36-48 hours after feeding. As there is a big chance that it will regurgitate the food items you have feed it.
    13. There is no reason what so every to feed your python in a different container than its normal enclosure.